August 25 @ 2pm


On August 25 at 2pm our monthly Science & Buddhism Discussion was on "Deep Time,” what it means for people to have a perspective on it, and how that might effect a change in their behavior. Our discussion was led by Connie Ralls, a Jikoji resident and student of Jikoji’s founder, Kobun.

The context of Deep Time in Connie’s talk was the geological record and the history of our planet Earth (rather than the Cosmos, which might be Deeper Time), as detailed in the book Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World, by Marcia Bjornerud.

Other sources informing Connie’s discussion included:

The Clock of the Long Now – Time and Responsibility, by Stewart Brand
The Long Now Foundation
Underland: A Deep Time Journey, by Robert MacFarlane
Annals of the Formal World, by John McPhee
The Sixth Extinction, An Unnatural History, by Elizabeth Kolbert


As always, our “Last Sundays” Science & Buddhism discussions are quite open and informal with all invited to participate.

All are welcome. No prior experience with science, Buddhism, or meditation is necessary. Hope to see you there!



Sunday Program: We also invite you to join us that Sunday morning for our 10 am Sunday Program, Dharma Talk, and social lunch, ahead of our 2 pm Science & Buddhism session. Our Sunday, August 25, 11:30am Dharma Talk will also be by Connie Ralls on a related subject as her Science & Buddhism discussion later that afternoon.