* Online Only *
Tanjo-e Sesshin
Exploring Dogen’s
"Samadhi that is King of Samadhis"
(Shobogenzo Zammai O Zammai)
With Kokyo Henkel
Monday, April 5 - Sunday, April 11
Morning & Afternoon Dharma Talks
Dogen Zenji writes, "At the very time of your sitting, you should examine exhaustively whether the total world is vertical or horizontal. At that very time, what is the sitting itself? Is it wheeling about in perfect freedom? Is it like the spontaneous vigor of a leaping fish? Is it thinking? Or not thinking? Is it doing? Is it nondoing?"
This sesshin will be a "Genzo-e", a concentrated study retreat on a chapter of Dogen’s Shobogenzo. In this retreat we will investigate together Dogen's understanding of zazen.
Because the sesshin is virtual this year, we encourage those who attend to begin with the Monday, April 5 evening Zazen, Opening Remarks, and Refuges. The few changes in form that virtual reality necessitates will be covered then.
REGISTRATION: Registration helps us with our planning and scheduling. Please register by clicking here, or the button nearby.
COST: Jikoji operates on Donations. The Dharma and our programs are freely offered, and no one is ever turned away for lack of funds. The suggested Donation for this event is $25 - $50 per day, and is exclusive of Teacher dana.
TEACHER DANA: Donations to sesshin teacher Kokyo Henkel may be made from the donate link at the bottom of the homepage at Kokyo’s personal site.
We are grateful for and dependent on your financial support for our sustainability, especially during this time of limited social gatherings. Questions? Please feel free to call Jikoji 408-741-9562 or email us at info@jikoji.org.
View or download:
Zammai o zammai (pdf)
Tanjo-e Morning chant - Heart Sutra (pdf)
Daily Schedule (pdf)
Dokusan signup & Doan-ryo signup (pdf) (Please see note right below.)
Sunday Buddha’s Birthday Chant (pdf)
NOTE: Please be sure to send Dokusan and Doan-ryo signup requests to sesshin Ino Doug Jacobson at jacobsondoug07@gmail.com by 9PM on the evening before the day you are signing up for. Please also put “Sesshin signup” in the subject line. Thank you!
(Subject to adjustment.
All times are Pacific.
Time zone converter.)
Daily Schedule (pdf)
Monday, April 5
7:00 PM Zazen
7:40 opening remarks
8:00 3 Refuges and 9 bows
Tue, April 6 - Sat, April 10
5:30 AM wake-up bell
6:00 Zazen
6:40 Robe Chant and kinhin
6:50 Zazen
7:20 service (Heart Sutra)
7:35 Breakfast
8:05 Soji
8:20 Break
9:00 Zazen
9:40 Kinhin
9:50 Dharma Talk - discussion
11:00 Zazen
11:25 Kinhin
11:30 Zazen
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 Zazen
2:10 Kinhin (outdoor)
2:20 Zazen
3:00 Kinhin
3:10 Dharma Talk - discussion
4:20 Zazen
4:50 Kinhin
5:00 Zazen
5:30 Dinner
7:00 Zazen
7:40 Kinhin
7:50 Zazen
8:30 Three refuges & 9 bows
Sunday, April 11
5:30 AM wake-up bell
6:00 Zazen
6:40 Robe Chant and kinhin
6:50 Zazen
7:20 Service
7:30 Closing Remarks
Sunday Program
10:00 AM Zazen
10:40 Kinhin
10:50 Zazen
11:20 Service
11:40 Dharma Talk
Kokyo Henkel is part of a new generation of Buddhist scholar-practitioners and has been practicing and teaching at San Francisco and Santa Cruz Zen Centers since 1990. Kokyo's interests include how the original, classic teachings of Buddha-Dharma from ancient India, China, and Japan are still very much alive and useful in present-day America for bringing peace and harmony to this troubled world. His website can be found at https://kokyohenkel.weebly.com/
To help maintain as best we can the intimacy and integrity of an in-person gathering, we ask all who join us online to please observe the following practices.
- Sign in using real name.
- Keep microphone muted unless speaking during discussion periods.
- Maintain zendo silence during meditation periods and while waiting for discussion and participation periods to begin.
- Keep camera on and maintain facial visibility during discussion period.
- Anonymous participation online will not be permitted, as it would not be permitted in person.